As Fall arrives we have less news than expected. Fr. Sean was scheduled to travel to Pro Vita in early September to give us his "boots on the ground" report but he developed a health issue which has grounded him and has delayed his trip indefinitely. A telephone conversation with Melanie Tanase recently provided this update.
The new house on the Social Center property (significantly funded by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the US in 2023) has FINALLY been approved and re-approved by the local bureaucracy. The metal fittings for the foundation have been ordered and should arrive within the next week or two. Then construction can begin!
The Ukrainian and Romanian governments continue to pass new regulations affecting the Ukrainian refugees. The Tanases now have to complete another mountain of paperwork to retain guardianship of the Ukrainian children. The Ukrainian government continues to send a rotating cast of teachers and administrators from the institution in Kiliya. They are challenging to work with as they agitate for everyone to return to Ukraine even though the children are thriving at Pro Vita and the terrible war continues to threaten all areas of Ukraine. Apparently the teachers' salaries depend on the instutute re-opening as a residential facility.
A Ukrainian-American woman is in the process of adopting one of the teens (15 years old) residing at Pro Vita as well as his two sisters who remain in Ukraine. He has returned to Ukraine to await the adoption and visa processing for the three siblings.
The two Romanian high schoold graduates who attempted the BAC exam this summer were not successful -- one girl has gotten an entry-level job; the other will study harder and attempt the BAC again next summer. If she passes, she will continue her education at the university.
The cadre of Ukrainian elderly who have been living in Valea Plopului for 2 1/2 years along with their caregivers, Fr. Roman and his two sons have all returned to Ukraine and bought a house there, replacing the house in Donetsk that was destroyed by bombing in February 2022. The large house in Valea Plopului now needs and is receiving extensive renovations The dining room construction initiated by Fr. Tanase there continues, but is not yet completed.
All of Pro Vita is preparing for the Winter season, buying wood for heating as finances permit. The heating system at the Social Center is not working properly with an engineering assessment and needed repair taking place.
AFPVO just forwarded $12,000 to Pro Vita to address the building of the new house, and the renovations and repairs needed before the temperatures plummet.
Unfortunately, the Tanases were unable to get all the permissions needed in time to have the annual 100K for the Children marathon race in June 2024. The 2025 event will take place on June 1, 2025 and is a major fund raiser for Pro Vita, bringing runners from throughout Romania and Europe to the race.
Wendell B. has been our most consistent donor with his regular monthly donations. Two anonymous donors contributed $1100 through PayPal Giving. Others donors include Ho K., Karen S., Jennifer D., and Anonymous. We are very grateful to all of you for your continued support and generosity to Pro Vita.
Reminder: Also note our new address for donations, etc.
45001 Audubon Square, Apt 507
Ashburn, VA 20147
Warm regards,
Fr. Sean Cavanaugh, Chairman
Donna Shelton, President
Frank Doe, Treasurer
Kerry Garikes, Communications and Design