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Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Hoping this finds all of you enjoying the holiday season and able to avoid the holiday stress.

Fr. Sean is still planning to visit Pro Vita after Christmas or later (January) assuming his doctors give him a “thumbs up”.

As 2024 comes to a close, we want to thank our very generous returning donors: Phyllis S., Foula C., Dibby C., Mary Ann S., Barbara & Harry H., Leigh and Dennis M. (2X), Matthew C. and Anonymous who donated via the PayPal Giving website as well as regular contributors, Wendell B., Kim H., and Narcis A.

Please explore if your employers will match your contributions and/or use a clearing company such as Benevity to double your contribution.  AFPVO is registered with Benevity (thanks to Narcis A.)

Everyone’s contributions have enabled us to provide a critical financial lifeline to the Tanases to ensure that all of the residences of Pro Vita are ready for Winter in Romania. Investments include two new and upgraded central heating units for the homes in Rizanesti and Matei, the purchase of wood (used for heating in all PV homes), and paying the electricity bill (always a shocker!)

Some of the young adult residents recently went on a field trip to the University of Geology and Geography, and were exposed to the university environment, especially the labs .  The visit and interaction with the professors sparked new dreams and aspirations in the minds of the teens.

Many of the younger children were treated to an exciting field trip to the Brasov Zoo and Planetarium.

After months of hard work and lots of paperwork and inspections, two of the children’s homes have been re-licensed for the next 5 years.   Additionally, Pro Vita has applied to the regional government for a subsidy of 2450 Euros/month which will cover 2 salaries and some food costs.  The final  decision will be made in January 2025 - fingers crossed!

Pro Vita with the EU’s help (65,000 Euros) has also launched a new 3 year project, SOLIS, which will create 36 new social enterprises. The Tanases are very busy, recruiting and training 135 local people in entrepreneurship and social enterprise skills.  The resulting business plans will be analyzed  and awarded in early 2025. An earlier, similar effort was disrupted by the COVID years.

AFPVO donors continue to provide essential financial support to Pro Vita as the Tanases continue to encourage Romanian donations of money and volunteer time as well as seeking local governmen, NGO  and EU financial commitments. Please consider AFPVO in your year-end charitable giving plans.

Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR

Fr. Sean Cavanaugh, Chairman

Donna Shelton, President

Frank Doe, Treasurer

Kerry Garikes, Design & Communication

Donations may be sent via check to: AFPVO, 45001 Audubon Sq., Apt 507, Ashburn, VA 20147

or via PayPal  or PayPal Giving. If you choose PPGiving, please enter your identifying information so we can thank you.


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